BT Deca 400 | 400MG/ML
BT Deca 400 | 400MG/ML
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Package Contents:
- 1ml x 10 ampules in box
- 10ml x 1 vial in box
Dosage Form: 400 mg / ml
Effective Dose: 250-500 mg in every other week
Use for: Cycle Period
Benefits of Deca 250 / Deca 400 in bodybuilding
Deca is a highly effective anabolic steroid that promotes muscle growth and strength. It causes significant changes in body composition after several weeks of use, with increased lean mass due to its ability to stimulate protein synthesis while it creates a positive nitrogen balance inside muscle cells. Unlike other bulking anabolic androgenic steroids such as Anadrol or Dianabol, which have more potent effects than Deca on your muscles' size versus how quickly they grow (i.e., building new tissue). This drug will not give you bulkiness but increase overall physical power.
Deca is an FDA-approved medicine that has been successfully prescribed to women for breast cancer treatment and children suffering from dwarfism; without notable adverse effects.
Deca also increases collagen synthesis, improving the health of ligaments and tendons. It is particularly beneficial for bodybuilders or powerlifters regularly lifting heavy weights as they're prone to injury, so Deca Durabolin can help keep them from getting hurt during training sessions!
Deca is an excellent choice for anyone who exercises regularly. It promotes the formation of natural testosterone and Human Growth Hormone, which helps with muscle recovery time by increasing joint flexibility while also promoting fluid retention-allowing you to work out without pain!
In one study, Deca was given to 18 men experiencing joint pain. Following treatment, 72% reported a reduction in their discomfort, and 28% required less medication, demonstrating potent anti-inflammatory effects of this steroid!
Many steroids, particularly orals, can exhibit toxic effects on the liver. If abused, these AAS might cause peliosis hepatis (blood-filled cysts) and cirrhosis of your liver which is a failure in its role as protector against toxins from outside sources like alcohol. However, Deca is an injectable steroid that bypasses our bodies' natural way to filter harmful substances.
Deca is a slow-acting steroid containing long esters that can result in slower growth of muscles than faster-acting compounds such as testosterone. It may be disadvantageous for those looking to get large and bulky quickly, but it's beneficial if you want your serum levels of testosterone to stay steady, so no side effects occur.
Decanoate steroids work by increasing protein synthesis, which helps promote sustainable increases without excessive water retention or fat gain.
Deca provides more benefits than other AAS when it's stacked with them. It enables users to continue experiencing results in the latter stages of a cycle. Due to its safety compared to high toxicity levels from some unscrupulous drugs like Dianabol or Testosterone Cypionate (to name two), many will choose this option over others who might have unpleasant side effects at higher doses.